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Day 1 Luke 2:8-20 The cast of characters surrounding the Christmas story is, well, ordinary! A young woman, a teenager named Mary; Joseph, a carpenter; Zacharias and Elizabeth, two people faithful to God during the many years of prophetic silence; Wise Men, foreigners from the pagan lands of the East; and then there were the shepherds, the humble, the lowly, the working class, living out in the fields. Aside from the heavenly and glorious angels, most everyone associated with Christ' coming were quite earthly and ordinary folks. No one saw in Mary the one who would bear the Messiah- the Christ! Certainly no one in Bethlehem thought that there was anything special about their child, for no one was giving up their sleeping quarters for Jesus and His family. No Hyatt hotel for the holy family. It would be wood, hay and stubble where Jesus lay, but it became holy ground. The first Christmas came almost in complete silence, using the ordinary. How dare we call anything ordinary! God makes everything extraordinary! There is no such thing as mundane! God is always at work and uses life in the ordinary! #247daily
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