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Day 5 We have this picture in our mind of what Christmas is supposed to be. But honestly, how many of your Christmases were like that? Did you have quiet, perfect Christmases? My guess is that you didn’t. We have this picture of what Christmas is supposed to be like, but then the reality is that our Christmases are filled with noise, frantic running around, hectic schedules, last-minute wrapping and cooking, plans going awry, or being with people we wouldn’t otherwise choose to be around. Our Christmases are messy, stressful and chaotic. Then, we measure our reality against the way we think it is supposed to be, and we feel like something is very wrong. Most people in America report to feeling depressed over the Christmas holiday. We do the same with the rest of our lives. We constantly compare our realities of stress, chaos, things going wrong, and all the ways that we fail, with the idyllic image of how we think things ought to be. It should be so much better, and more perfect. Why do we think like that? We feel like something is very wrong. And so, we get frustrated, and even depressed with our lives. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. When we take our eyes from Him we should feel chaos. When our eyes are on Him, we should be at Peace! Be at Peace!!! #247daily
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